Scholarships, unlike loans, do not have to be paid back, which means they are free. Scholarships are not usually your main source of money for college, but they are definitely worth researching and seeking. Each scholarship will have unique application requirements. Often you will need letters of recommendation, a resume of your work, activities, and accomplishments, and an essay tailored to the scholarship program. Nationwide there are thousands of scholarships available, and you should consider using a free scholarship search tool to help you find appropriate selections. Never pay for a scholarship search service.
Yes. Scholarships and grants are examples of financial aid that does not have to be paid back. It is often referred to as gift aid because no repayment is necessary.
Pay for College | The Basics on Grants and Scholarships (
Scholarships are available from states, colleges, and private sources. Most will require a separate application process with strict deadlines for consideration. Each state will have a website listing available state scholarships as will each college. A good source for scholarship information is your high school guidance counselor. High Schools often keep lists of scholarships that students from your school have received in previous years. You may want to consider a college scholarship search service to help you identify private scholarships, but never pay for this service as there are plenty of really good free sources. The Scholarship Scam web page offers excellent guidance on how to identify and avoid scholarship scams
- Home - Florida Student Scholarship & Grant Programs (
- FSU Admissions | First Year Scholarships
- Scholarships | Office of Financial Aid (
- Pay for College | Where to Find College Scholarships (
- College Scholarship Search | Find scholarships for students from over 2,200 programs (
- Find Scholarships for College for FREE | Fastweb